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Recurring Missions
We just launched Recurring Missions, and what they simply mean is that, Artists can now hire you to do something for them repeatedly - and then pay you for it.
An example
When you see something like this: "Recurring for 5 Days. Overtime Compensation is ₦40,000." under a mission, what it simply means is that you will be executing that mission everyday for 5 Days and will be paid ₦40,000 for it. As simple as that.
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  I am good at dancing
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You can upload a screenshot or a video or a document that proves you possess this asset
(Allowed: PDF, Music, Video, Picture)
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You can add a link to a video or a website that proves that you possess this asset.
By clicking "Submit", you confirm that the details you added above are accurate, and that we can take any action we see fit - if we discover that you provided any inaccurate information above
Join Balloon - Get Evangelists to do or say anything to help your ideas blow - Balloon

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